Thursday, March 13, 2008

Eminem And Royce Da 5'9" Squash Beef

Detroit’s two most prominent emcees, Royce Da 5’9” and Eminem, have officially resolved their longstanding differences.

“I been talking to Em,” Royce revealed to exclusively today. “I didn’t even really wanna tell nobody [yet]. That was kinda like a secret thing. I don’t really know where it’s gonna go. Right now we’re just really focusing on repairing the friendship. That’s the most important thing to me.”

And what did the two old friends discuss in their first conversation in years? Not music, says Royce, “We just been talking about intangible sh*t like movies, our favorite movies, just realizing how much sh*t we always had in common. That first conversation we had we talked for like two hours, just about everything. We did a lot of catching up.”

What the two original “Renegades” have rumored to have newly in common is a reunion track produced by DJ Premier, but Royce explains that a new recording session between the two has yet to take place. “We haven’t really spoken in-depth [yet] about anything creative,” says Royce. “That session hasn’t happened yet. He told me he had some of the best sh*t recorded right now that he’s ever done in his life. I ain’t even got a chance to get with him to hear it yet. He ain’t heard what I got [new], and I ain’t heard what he got [new]. That’s kinda like what our friendship is, it’s always been real competitive. It’s always been that we motivate each other. And I think we at a point in our careers where we both need that.”

Em and Royce’s long overdue reconciliation was ironically initiated by one of Slim Shady’s newest rhyme partners taking shots at one of his oldest. “The Cashis thing was like a blessing,” says Royce of the recently released video interview wherein which Cashis threatens Royce over alleged insults made about Eminem. “That [situation] is what got me and Em [back] together. That’s why I didn’t really [address Cashis' comments]. He was just talking, not knowing who he talking about. I wasn’t gonna move [on him] until I found out what Em’s thoughts were [on the situation]. We done been through too much.”

Royce’s current feelings about Eminem’s newest protégé are thankfully all positive. “My thoughts on Cashis is I don’t have no problem with him,” says Royce. “I think he felt he was doing good. He felt like he was ridin’ for Em. But I’m just glad it didn’t get to [be beef]. So if I see Cashis, I’ll show him nothing but love because Em vouched for him. He told me that Cashis said he was sorry, and I can’t really say nothing after that.”

Since squashing that potential beef via his reconciliation with Eminem, Royce has been hard at work putting the finishing touches on his highly anticipated next mixtape, The Bar Exam 2, hosted by Green Lantern, as well as his two forthcoming full-length releases, The Revival and Street Hop, both executive produced by DJ Premier. With all that on deck, Royce is sure to be a force to be reckoned with in ’08. “Trust me, man, it’s ‘bout to be crazy,” he aptly notes. “I’ma call [Eminem] today. I’ma stay on him and once we past… As soon as the creative part gets back into our relationship, I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I felt like I never had beef with him. It was more of a falling out between two brothers. It was just two brothers not speaking to each other for a minute. But now we speaking again. So sky’s the limit on what’s gonna happen from there.”


Britney foots the $900K legal bill for K-Fed

The gloves came off in an L.A. court today with Britney Spears' lawyer arguing with Kevin Federline's lawyer over skyrocketing legal fees arising from the former couple's bitter custody battle.

Britney's new lawyer, Stacy Phillips, argued that K-Fed's lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan's fees are excessive, saying that four months of fees for both sides added up to a whopping $900,000. Additionally, she argued that Kevin has the ability to pay for his own lawyer (the current agreement stipulates that the pop star pays for all of her ex-husband's legal fees), saying, "Ms. Spears is not an open checkbook."
After Phillips said that Kaplan's fees should be in the "$150,000-$175,000 range," she attacked Kevin, saying he has not separated his personal and business expenses, and revealed that his ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson has use of his business credit card and is using it for personal purposes. She went on to say that K-Fed recently spent $20,000 on jewelry, went out to dinner and left a $2,000 tip on a $365 bill.

UPDATE: Public Information Officer Allan Parachini just held a press conference and told reporters that Commissioner Gordon took the matter of the attorney's fees under advisement, but there's unlikely to be a ruling today.

He revealed that there was a stipulation made on visition, but it is sealed. Parachini said that Kevin Federline spoke briefly during the closed hearing "very crypictically," adding that Jamie Spears was more involved.

Tellingly, K-Fed's lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, has chosen not to hold one of his regular press conferences today following the hearing.

This Is NY Governor Spitzer's Hooker, "Kristen"

This is "Kristen," the prostitute at the center of the scandal that brought down the now disgraced governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer. Her real name is Ashley Alexandra Dupré, and according to her MySpace profile, she loves music and she looks up to her brother.

Now, it has been revealed, that Ashley is "Kristen," the woman hired by the governor for sex at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C. in February.

"I just don't want to be thought of as a monster," the governor's prostitute told the New York Times. "This has been a very difficult time. It is complicated."

The woman involved in the scandal that rocked New York and led to a history-making gubernatorial resignation earlier today is a 22-year-old singer who, according to her online profile, fled "an abusive home" at the age of 17. In 2004 she arrived in New York City, where she says she spent two years making contacts, trying to make it in the music biz.

Click Here for Song

"I have been alone. I have abused drugs. I have been broke and homeless. But, I survived, on my own. I am here, in NY because of my music," the woman known as "Kristen" says on her MySpace profile. "I can honestly tell you to never dwell on the past, but build from it and keep moving forward," she writes. She describes her song "What We Want" as being "about trust, something my past has made very difficult for me to feel," and that it was "inspired by a guy, who taught me not to confuse my dreams with the sounds of the city."

She is reportedly holed up in her apartment building in the Flatiron area of Manhattan. Ashley's mother, Carolyn Capalbo, told the New York Times that her daughter "is a very bright girl who can handle someone like the governor." She also said, "But she also is a 22-year-old, not a 32-year-old or a 42-year-old, and she obviously got involved in something much larger than her."


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Funny Wedding Pictures

Why!!!!!!!!!! Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m going to get this insurance money

Carry you over the broom for what

Damn, can I get a bite first…..GREEDY

Wasted!!! But PAUSE at the same time

Say Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well he's not officially married yet

Hey that would be a nice honeymoon!!!

Lil Wayne & Birdman Cartoon Clip(LMAO)

Man, I don't know who made this but it is funny as hell. Whoever did this has alot of free time, LMAO

It's a Mouse

This chick goes crazy, but I can't blame her...........