Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Remy Ma & Papoose wedding canceled

Words from Kay Slay

Apparently, Papoose was going through the usual security checks at Rikers, on his way to him and Remy’s wedding ceremony today. At one point, a corrections officer was inspecting his keychain and pointed out an old skeleton key that Pap had on the chain. Pap has apparently had all the keys for a long time, and he’s visited Rikers on numerous occasions with the same keychain and never had a problem. But once the CO says he can’t enter with the keys, he gladly gives them up.

But as Pap is about to get on the bus to Rikers, along with Remy’s mom and their other 3 guests. The CO’s pull Papoose and tell him he needs to see the Warden. Papoose is throw into a jailcell, and when he finally sees the Warden, he is accused of….(you ready?)…trying to pass Remy the skeleton key so she can pick the lock on her handcuffs and…..then….somehow….break out of Rikers Island on some Shawshank Redemption/Andy Dufraine shit. WTF?

The Warden not only cancels Papoose and Remy’s wedding, and to throw more salt in the wound, they ban Pap from visiting his fiancee for the next 6 months. And she gets sentenced tomorrow morning.


Well Eskay already posted the tabloid frenzy that’s cooking up. And Slay already knew it was going down because paparazzi caught Papoose after the fiasco, rushing his mom to her car to keep her out of the rain….you can guess how those photos are gonna look tomorrow morning.

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